Hosted at the Gallivan Center, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Get your Ticket TODAY

What to Expect 


- This is an all inclusive event for men, women and teens. Jen and Danny have worked together with several people from many walks of life and are excited to welcome all who are ready to join this space of inspiration and healing.

- Learn how to uncover your blocks and how to move through them.

- How to help heal yourself, your loved ones and the world by stepping more fully into your authentic self.

- You will be reminded of your light and the truth of who you REALLY are. Time to drop the disempowering labels you have picked up in your life.

- We will go over the energy of 2023! Including Chinese astrology & numerology and what to expect this year.

- How to shift different areas of your life that aren't honoring you.

- Guided meditation to turn up your light and connect with your mindfulness.

- Why the world seems to be in chaos and the beautiful bigger picture of where humanity is headed in the near future.

- EXPECT A MASSIVE POSITIVE SHIFT after our day together with like minded , loving, compassionate, truth seekers!

- This event is a great opportunity to come connect with friends, family and others you care about.

- You will leave feeling empowered, positive and high on life!

Get your Ticket TODAY

The world needs YOU now more than ever. Come for a day of inspiration to turn up your light to shine and say YES to you in 2023! 

 It's time for us to slow down, heal, simplify, raise our vibration and begin to live the life we are meant to live.

We are thrilled to spend a day connecting, opening up our hearts and creating massive shifts with you.

Can someone's life change that much in one day?

We know it can! We've seen it.

We live for awakenings and to be around people that are ready to live in thier truth, love and light.

Grab your friends, coworkers, neighbors, family and everyone else you care about and bring them with you.

Let's DO THIS!

It's time to Ignite YOUR Light. 

March 23rd, 2023 | 9 a.m. Salt Lake City, Utah