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Are you ready to create massive change in your life?

The only way for us to truly have what we deserve and live the life of our dreams is to remember the truth of who we really are. 

If you are experiencing sadness, fear, boredom, money issues, relationship or health problems or anything that is a “problem” in your life, well then….You have forgotten who you are my darling! 


The TRUTH is You Are A Magical Powerful Spiritual Being here to have a human experience and can create, have, be or do anything your heart desires!

I have created this monthly membership to guide and support you on a normal basis. 

Consistency is the key to anything great. 

Make the investment for your peace, 

happiness and awakening.


$397.00 annually ($33/month)

  • Weekly live coaching calls
  • Guided meditations
  • Monthly theme
  • Private Facebook group
  • Access to classroom with over 125 session's
Annual Pass

Monthly Pass

$49.00 month ($588/year)

  • Weekly live coaching calls
  • Guided meditations
  • Monthly theme
  • Private Facebook group
  • Access to classroom with over 125 session's
Monthly Pass

What is it like Coaching with Jen?

Morgan Shelburg

"Jen Suliafu's coaching program is truly transforming. It dives deep within and unveils deep rooted issues, plants a seed, and teaches you how to water that plant so that it will blossom into something beautiful. Jennifer has created a program that is extremely unique and defies the norms of traditional therapy. I have learned to connect with my soul, retrain my conscious and subconscious mind to have powerful intentions and thoughts, and to have true joy in finding self love. I have often thought of the program as my own personal chrysalis that has forever transformed me into something magnificent."


Madi Sheri

My experience life coaching with Jenn has been truly life-changing! I can honestly say it has immensely made me a better person and has completely changed the way I think about myself and how I see the world. From a young age I suffered from anxiety and depression, so much so that I allowed it to control my life. At the age of 17 I knew that I wanted to change my life for the better. After seeking help from doctors and being prescribed different types of medications and doing counseling I felt like I was remaining stagnant in the same place as before and not improving or growing. After just two life coaching sessions I began to notice big changes in my life. The thing that I love about life coaching is that you begin by healing from the time that you were born until now. Anything and everything that has caused you pain or anguish that is still negatively effecting you. You then work on forgiveness, and retraining your mind to think positively. Through the power of meditation and the Law of Attraction I went from being a girl with low self-esteem who would cry at the thought of speaking to a stranger. I now am a full time college student, and I also work at a job where I greet people with a smiling face. Jenn's techniques will teach you to heal from the past, love yourself unconditionally, and learn to awaken and create the beautiful life you were meant to live!"


Angela Hill

"My friend had been raving about her life coach for months. Gratefully, she had gotten a ticket for me to go to her coach's event. It was magical. 

When I entered the venue I looked around and saw this incredibly beautiful woman standing next to the windows. I was struck by her because she was just glowing. More than just the sun coming through from outside. It seemed to be coming from inside her. And I thought to myself, “that’s who I want to meet.” So I walked up and she introduced herself…I was shocked to find out that THIS was the life coach that my friend had been telling me about. And this was a day that would make me stop in my tracks and ultimately change my direction in the future. 

In 2020, I decided I needed a change so badly. Little did I know, this would be the year that it all burned down, the year that I literally fell off the planet. And it would be the weekly group session that would tether me to the earth long enough to get coaching. And in coaching I changed my mindset completely. I found the love of my life. I now have 3 beautiful children. I’m starting 2 new companies, I’m progressing in my health, mind, body and soul. I have found my peace. I am living in the present. And I am. Loving my LIFE!!!"

Shauna Ray

I first met Jen at her event in 2019 and she has helped me in so many ways. I used her as a life coach for my biz and a relationship. What she brought to the table was amazing and helped me so much. I want to thank her for the amazing things she taught me to make my life better. I also love to know how the energy of the new year is going to go!"


Start your week off right by having magic sent right to your inbox. Every Monday I’ll send you a message of positivity and insight!✨


Love Lighthouse is about waking up and living the life you were meant to live!
Do you have a life coach? If not, I'd LOVE to go on this journey with you.
I want to invite you to join me in AWAKEN group coaching. We meet weekly via Zoom and dig deep to help you live the life you were meant to be LIVING.


Hi there! My name is Jennifer Suliafu, and if you asked me to describe myself, I'd say I'm a speaker, writer, life coach & feng shui consultant. Throughout my career, I've built systems and ideas that have helped countless numbers of people find the healing, joy, and self-love that I've experienced in my own journey. I believe that everyone has the ability to live a fabulous life no matter where things are at now the most fulfilling part of my journey is when I get to be a part of yours. I live for connecting with beautiful souls and watching them awaken to the truth of who they really are and stepping into their power. Here’s to lighting the future with all of our love.